Overhauling of the bow rudder unit of the ferry “Mecklenburg-Vorpommern”

In the time from 26.12.2013 to 06.01.2014 MET GmbH carried out the entire overhauling of the hydraulic cylinder bearing of the bow rudder unit of the Stena Line GmbH & Co. KG ferry “Mecklenburg-Vorpommern”. Due to bow rudder failures shortly after commissioning of the ship MET GmbH developed in the year 2000 a design solution which meets the requirements of high mechanical loads, intensive impact of the sand, dirt and corrosive seawater. By this innovative design solution and a developed wear diagnosis procedure, the planned service cycles could be prolonged, without any intermediate failures.
The performed complete overhauling of the bow rudder joint bearing established the preconditions for the further long-term failure-free operation of the bow rudder of the Stena Line – ferry „Mecklenburg-Vorpommern“.